As usual in a zombie movie (like Zombieland that came out last october), the world is a nest of living deads. But in director Marc Fratto‘s attempt, instead of being run after by thirsty blood-covered retards, the humans become the no-mercy chasers, and the zombies are simply reduced to second zone’s citizens.
What’s left for the poor “mortaly challanged” are AA sessions they launch to keep it up once in a while.
A creation “Insane-O-rama“.
There’s no way I’m droping this off without giving a few further infos. It took me about an hour, but I can pretty much put a number on the zombie film industry. I’ve counted over 500 zombie films since 1932. Year that saw the birth of… the 1st zombie film!
White Zombie was directed by brothers Victor and Edward Halperin and is based on the 1928 play Zombie. And as you can see below, zombies ain’t that dangerous either.
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